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Our Publications’ databank / collection

‘Our Publications’ collection is a bibliographic database of the Foundation's own publications. These works are the outcome of prominent research projects and events carried out by the three centres of the Foundation, i.e. the ‘Manuscripts Centre’, the ‘Mawsoa Centre’ and the ‘Maqasid Centre’.

This collection was added to the ‘Al-Furqan Digital Library’ to enrich the user research experience. The collection is continuously updated, and currently contains over 200 works in over 400 volumes. These cover both introductory and advanced topics discussed and presented by distinguished scholars in the field of Islamic written heritage.

It also includes many popular and heavily cited publications, as well as award winning works, such as the critical edition of al-Isfizāri’s book which deals with the field of mechanics, known as “the sciences of weights and mechanical devices” (‘Ilmay al-Athqāl wal-Ḥiyal). Other popular items include works by the late famous scholar Annemarie Schimmel, such as The Secrets of Creative Love (1998) and Islam and the Wonders of Creation(2003); and many other highly demanded references, including the unique Encyclopaedia of Makkah Al-Mukarramah and Al-Madīnah Al-Munawwarah.

Catalogue of the Arabic, Turkish, Persian and Bosnian Manuscripts in the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Prepared by Osman Lavic
1.805 kg
Osman Lavic (Cataloguer)

The collection of manuscripts of the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina is part of the special collection that has been formed in 1951. It used to hold more than two million books, but due to the catastrophe that has befallen this Library on August 25, 1992, during the Serbian aggression, fire has devoured more than 90% of its possessions. This volume contains 735 collections and includes 1340 works (risālah) in various fields of scientific creativity, written in Arabic, Turkish, Persian and Bosnian. This collection covers numerous subjects, including the different Islamic sciences, literature, language sciences, in addition to history, logic and ethic, astronomy and mathematics, medicine, geography, and other sciences. It includes manuscripts of relevant scientific value, due to the historical period they have been copied, their rarity, and their artistic value. In addition to these specificities, the manuscripts enclose works in Arabic, Turkish, Persian and Bosnian of notorious authors and scientists from Bosnia specialized in different sciences and learning areas.

Library:Narodna i Univerzitetska Biblioteka Bosne i Hercegovine (National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Contact:Obala 42
71000 Sarajevo
Telephone:Centrala: +387 33 275 301 Informacije: +387 33 275 423 Ured direktora: +387 33 275 312
Date of establishment:Unknown
Condition of accessAdvance notice would be helpful.
Opening hours: Monday-Friday, 08.00-18.00.
Total number of Islamic MSS:478.
Published Catalogues:1
Unpublished Catalogues:1
Online access:http://www.nub.ba/
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