Welcome to Al-Furqan’s E-Database

The largest gateway of Islamic written heritage

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Al-Furqān’s Digital Library

Al-Furqān’s role in raising awareness and supporting research to explore the Islamic written heritage is unsurpassed in modern times. 

In response to digital advancements, Al-Furqān established an online Digital Library back in 2013, when it celebrated its 25th Anniversary under the motto “25 Years Serving the Islamic Written Heritage”.

‘Al-Furqan’s Digital Library’ presents a wealth of content from unique references and primary sources. This content, once only available in printed format, is now fully digitised and accessible in a user-friendly and interactive manner. This digitisation work is part of the Foundation's continuous mission in enabling research within the field of Islamic written heritage. The Foundation is fulfilling this mission by making this wealth of knowledge easily retrievable and freely accessible to the researchers across the world.

This online platform is available in both Arabic and the English language.

The ‘Al-Furqan Digital Library’ contains five main databanks, namely:

  1. ‘World Collections’: bibliographic information about manuscripts and manuscript collections worldwide.
  2. Manuscripts’: a continuously growing repository of works in the field of Islamic written heritage.
  3. Maqasid’: a comprehensive bibliography within the field of the objectives of Islamic law.
  4. ‘Our Library’: the online catalogue of the references and specialised collections that can be consulted in house.
  5. ‘Our Publications’: an overview about the Foundation’s publications.

The size of each databank / collection is displayed - in numbers - under the respective name on the navigation bar; and these numbers are updated regularly and whenever new items are added to the particular databank / collection.