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‘World Collections’ databank / collection

The ‘World Collections’ databank / collection holds the digitised outcome of the survey on the collections of Islamic manuscripts in the world, completed and published by the Al-Furqan Foundation in 1994, under the title “The World Survey of Islamic Manuscripts”.. This Survey is available in both the English and Arabic language.

This flagship project (the only one of this type to date) started in 1989, focusing on identifying and recording undocumented Islamic manuscript collections in the world, with the aim to support and instigate research into the field of Islamic manuscripts. A number of known scholars and experts contributed to this encyclopaedic work.

The Survey identified collections in 106 countries. It is a compilation of detailed independent studies, highlighting just over a million and a half Islamic manuscripts from just over 2,500 collections. These collections, in more than 40 languages, belong to public and private libraries in almost 1,300 cities. It gathered extensive information about these libraries, including details about their establishment and the status of their collections, unveiling in the process rare manuscripts. For example, the collection of manuscripts at the Institute of Oriental Culture (University of Tokyo) - that was acquired in 1987 - included several new and unique Islamic manuscripts. The noteworthy discoveries were two copies of Risala fi anwaʿ al-mashruʿat, a comprehensive work on the terminology of jurisprudence, by Luṭf Allah al-Kaydani (died 1349 AD /750 AH). These were significant findings, as they had not even been mentioned in the most renowned classical period references, such as Brockelmann's famous work Geschichte der Arabischen Litteratur (GAL), Sezgin's Geschichte Des Arabischens Schriftums (GAS), and Kaḥḥala's Muʿjam al-muʾallifin.‎

A large number of the identified libraries have listed and included detailed descriptions about the manuscripts held in their collection, in a form of a document or publication. This publication is known as a ‘catalogue’; with most of them published and available for purchase. Another form of a published catalogue is one that was compiled by a group of libraries, known as ‘library consortium’. These libraries partnered to combine their collections into one unified published catalogue, known as a ‘union catalogue’.

Some libraries held collections that were not catalogued or documented. Others made an attempt to describe their collections in simplified lists and general documentations. These were usually not published and are known as ‘unpublished catalogues’.

A unique outcome of the Survey was the identification of all the various catalogues. Just over 5,500 catalogues of Islamic manuscripts were surveyed, including the listing of almost 700 union catalogues, and almost 1,000 unpublished catalogues.

All this information and much more is ready to be explored on theAl-Furqan Digital Library, under the ‘World Collections’ databank.
Library:Narodna i Univerzitetska Biblioteka Bosne i Hercegovine (National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Contact:Obala 42
71000 Sarajevo
Telephone:Centrala: +387 33 275 301 Informacije: +387 33 275 423 Ured direktora: +387 33 275 312
Date of establishment:Unknown
Condition of access:Advance notice would be helpful.
Opening hours: Monday-Friday, 08.00-18.00.
Total number of Islamic MSS:478.
Published Catalogues:1
Unpublished Catalogues:1
Online access:http://www.nub.ba/
Published Catalogues
Total: 1

Orijentalna rukopisna djela domaćih autora u Narodnoj biblioteci Bosne i Hercegovine [The works of domestic authors in oriental manuscripts in the National and University Library of Bosnia and Herzegovina].‎
By Mahmud Traljić.‎
Bibliotekarstvo, 16 iv, pp.‎ 55–64.‎

Unpublished Catalogues
Total: 1

There is an accessions register of MSS, begun in 1964, p.‎ 522.‎ See:  Turkish manuscripts: cataloguing since 1960 and manuscripts still uncatalogued.‎ Part 2: Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania.‎By E.‎ Birnbaum.‎Journal of the American Oriental Society, 103, pp.‎ 515–523.‎

Union Catalogues & Surveys
Total: 19

Stari turski i arapski medicinski rukopisi u Bosni i Hercegovini [Old Turkish and Arabic medical MSS in Bosnia and Herzegovina]
By Sielski Stanko.‎
In Spomen knjiga zbora liječnika Hrvatske (Iz Hrvatske medicinske prošlosti), Zagreb, pp.‎ 168–181.‎

Islamski rukopisi iz Jugoslovenskih kolekcija.‎ Les manuscrits islamiques dans les collections yougoslaves.‎
By Z.‎ Janc.‎
Belgrade, 50pp.‎ 20 plates.‎

Handschriften osmanischer Qānūn-nāme's in den Bibliotheken von Sarajevo.‎
By B.‎ Djurdjev.‎
Akten des Vierundzwanzigsten Internationalen Orientalisten-KongressesMünchen … 1957.‎ Hrsg.‎ H.‎ Franke.‎ Wiesbaden, pp.‎ 404–408.‎

Minijatura u Jugoslaviji [Miniatures in Yugoslavia].‎
Zagreb: Muzej za Umjetnost i Obrt, 1964.‎

Al-makhṭūṭāt al-ʿArabīya fī Yūghuslāfīyā.‎
By Ḥasan Qalashī [Kaleshi].‎
Majallat Maʿhad al-Makhṭūṭāt al-ʿArabīya, 12 ii, 1386/1966, pp.‎ 3–20.‎

Rukopisni tursko-hrvatski rječnici [Turkish-Serbocroatian dictionary MSS].‎
By Alija Nametak.‎
Grada za Povijest Književnosti Hrvatske, 39, pp.‎ 231–380.‎

Orientalischer Handschriftenschatz von Bosnien und sein kultureller Hintergrund.‎
By Smail Balić.‎
Anatolica, 3, 1969–70, pp.‎ 237–242.‎

A guide to Yugoslav libraries and archives.‎
By S.‎ Jovanović & M.‎ Rojnić.‎ Ed.‎ P.‎ Horecky.‎ Tr.‎/ed.‎ E.‎ Beyerly.‎
Columbus: American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, 13pp.‎

Nekoliko rukopisa prepisanih u Gazi Husrev-begovoj medresi u Sarajevu [Several MSS transcribed in Ghazi Husrev-bey Medresa].‎
By Mehmed Mujezinović.‎
Anali Gazi Husrev-begove Biblioteke, pp.‎ 21–32.‎

Les collections des manuscrits orientaux à Sarajevo.‎
By Lejla Gazić.‎
Prilozi za Orijentalnu Filologiju, 30, pp.‎ 153–157.‎

Izložba orijentalne kaligrafije u Sarajevu.‎ (Exhibition of oriental calligraphy in Sarajevo.‎)
By Muniba Spaho.‎
Prilozi za Orientalnu Filologiju, 31, pp.‎ 195–212.‎

Turkish manuscripts: cataloguing since 1960 and manuscripts still uncatalogued.‎ Part 2: Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania.‎
By E.‎ Birnbaum.‎
Journal of the American Oriental Society, 103, pp.‎ 515–523.‎

Al-makhṭūṭāt al-ʿArabīya fi Yūghuslāfiyā: taqrīr ʿan al-makhṭūṭāt al-ʿArabīya fi madinat Sarāyayvaw khāṣṣatan baʿd ziyāratihā fī shahr Yūniyah (Hazīrān) 1981 M.‎
By ʿIṣām Muḥammad al-Shanṭī.‎
Kuwait: Maʿhad al-Makhṭūṭāt al-ʿArabīya, 1985.‎

Rukopisi poezije Hasan Kaimi Babe [Poetry MSS by Hasan Kaimi-Baba].‎
By Jasna Šamić.‎
Anali Gazi Husrev-begove biblioteke, 12–13, pp.‎ 201–210.‎

Rječnici u rukopisima orijentalnih zbirki u Mostaru.‎ Standardni tip [Dictionary MSS in Oriental collections in Mostar— standard type].‎
By Saban Zahirovic.‎
Glasnik Arhiva i Društva Arhivskih Radnika Bosne i Hercegovine, 27, pp.‎ 121–133.‎

Stihovani rječnici u rukopisima orijentalnih zbirki u Mostaru [Vocabularies in verse in MSS of oriental collections in Mostar].‎
By Saban Zahirovic.‎
Hercegovina, 6, pp.‎ 205–214.‎

Katalog turskih rukopisa franjevačkih samostana u Bosni i Hercegovini [Turkish MSS Catalogue of Franciscan monasteries in Bosnia and Herzegovina].‎
By Vančo Boškov.‎
Sarajevo: Orijentalni Institut (Posebna Izdanja, 15).‎ 155pp.‎

Djela prepisana u Gazi Husrev-begovoj medresi i hanikahu.‎ [Works copied in Ghazi Hasrev-bey Medrese and Hanikah].‎
By Ahmed Halilovič.‎
450 godina Gazi Husrev-begove medrese u Sarajevu, Sarajevo, pp.‎ 201–224.‎

Bosansko-hercegovački prepisivači djela u arabičkim rukopisima [Bosnian and Herzegovian transcribers of Arabic MSS].‎
By Muhamed Ždralovic.‎
Sarajevo: Svjetlost, 461pp.‎

Bibliographical appendix
Total: 19

Index Islamicus Supplement 1956–1960: a catalogue of articles on Islamic subjects in periodicals and other collective publications.‎
Pearson, J.‎D.‎
Cambridge: Heffer, 1962.‎

Les manuscrits arabes dans le monde: une bibliographie des catalogues.‎
Huisman, A.‎J.‎W.‎
Leiden: E.‎J.‎ Brill, 84pp.‎

Bibliografija jugoslovenske orijentalistike.‎ Bibliography of Yugoslav orientalistics.‎ 1945–1960.‎
Nurudinović, Bisera.‎
Sarajevo: Orijentalni Institut, (Posebna Izdanja, VI).‎ 242pp.‎

Oriental manuscripts in Europe and North America: a survey.‎
Pearson, J.‎D.‎
Zug: Inter Documentation Company, (Bibliotheca Asiatica, 7.‎)

Türkçe yazma eserler katalogları repertuvarı
Kut, A.‎ Turgut.‎
Türk Dili Araṣtırmaları Yıllığı Belleten, pp.‎ 183 – 240.‎

Index Islamicus: Third Supplement 1966–1970.‎ A catalogue of articles on Islamic subjects in periodicals and other collective publications.‎
Pearson, J.‎D.‎ & Walsh, A.‎
London: Mansell, 1972.‎

Prilog bibliografiji o Gazi Husrev-begovoj Biblioteci.‎
Traljić, M.‎
Anali Gazi Husrev-begove Biblioteke, 1, pp.‎ 159–160.‎

Prilozi bibliografiji objavljenih radova o orijentalnim bibliotekama u Jugoslaviji.‎ (Contributions to bibliography of published works about Oriental libraries in Yugoslavia.‎)
Eren, Ismail.‎
Anali Gazi Husrev-begove Biblioteke, 2–3, pp.‎ 249–258.‎

Index Islamicus: Fourth Supplement 1971–1975.‎ A catalogue of articles on Islamic subjects in periodicals and other collective publications.‎
Pearson, J.‎D.‎
London: Mansell.‎

Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums.‎ Band VI.‎
Sezgin, Fuat.‎
Leiden: Brill.‎

Bibliografija jugoslovenske orijentalistike 1961–1965.‎ godine.‎ Bibliography of Yugoslav oriental studies 1961–1965.‎
Nurudinović, Bisera.‎
Sarajevo: Orijentalni Institut, (Posebna Izdanja, IX).‎ 181pp.‎

Bibliografiya arabskikh rukopiseĭ.‎
Mikhaĭlova, LB.‎ and Khalidov, A.‎B.‎
Moscow: Nauka, 302pp.‎

Turkish manuscripts: cataloguing since 1960 and manuscripts still uncatalogued.‎ Part 2: Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Romania.‎
Birnbaum, Eleazar.‎
Journal ofthe American Oriental Society, 103, pp.‎ 515–532.‎

Index Islamicus 1976–1980.‎ Part 1: Articles.‎
Pearson, J.‎D.‎
London: Mansell.‎

Fahāris al-makhṭūṭāt al-ʿArabīya fī 'l-ʿālam.‎
ʿAwwād, Kūrkīs.‎
Kuwait: Maʿhad al-Makhṭūṭāt al-ʿArabīya, 2 vols.‎

Fahāris al-makhṭūṭāt al-ʿArabīya fī 'l-ʿālam: iḍāfāt ukhrā.‎
Bakkār, Yūsūf Ḥusayn.‎
Majallat Maʿhad al-Makhṭūṭāt al-ʿArabīya 30, pp.‎ 345 – 380.‎

Dalīl fahāris al-makhṭūṭāt fī 'l-Majmaʿ al-Malikī li-Buḥūth al-Ḥaḍāra al-Islāmīya.‎ 2nd ed.‎
Amman: Al-Majmaʿal-Malikī li-Buḥūth al-Ḥaḍāra al-Islāmīya (Muʾassasat Āl al-Bayt), 1986.‎ Al-Mulhaq al-awwal, 1987.‎

Bibliografija jugoslovenske orijentalistike 1918–1945.‎ Bibliography of Yugoslav oriental studies 1918–1945.‎
Nurudinović, Bisera.‎
Sarajevo: Orijentalni Institut, (Posebna Izdanja, XIII).‎ 296pp.‎

Index Islamicus 1981–1985: a bibliography of books and articles on the Muslim world.‎
Roper, G.‎J.‎
London: Mansell, 2 vols.‎
