Al-Mawāʿiẓ wal-Iʿtibār fī Dhikr al-Khiṭaṭ wal-Athār By Maqrīzī Taqī Al-Dīn Aḥmad B. ʿalī B. ʿabd Al-Qādir (766-845 A.H. / 1365-1442 A.D.
This book is considered one of the most important reference works on the history and geography of Egypt. It provides a comprehensive overview on the history of Egypt, as well as the establishment and development of Cairo from the time of the Islamic conquests of Egypt to the fifteenth century A.D. (ninth century A.H.). The work also presents the reader with detailed descriptions of the various landmarks, such as the palaces, mosques, schools, narrow routes, districts, projects, temples, public baths (ḥammams), fields, khans (carvansarays), markets, agencies and convoys stations that existed in Fusṭāṭ and Cairo over nine centuries. The importance of this book lies also in the fact that its manuscript has been hand written by the author himself.